As you all know income tax has vast syllabus and it needs indepth study. You need to be extra focussed in this subject. You have limited time to crack this income tax paper.
One strategy is to study each and every provision. And that is good also. But you need extra hours which you do not have.
Another strategy is to study what is most important in exam with extra attention and also study what is not important in exam just for the sake of this.
In this video we will tell you what to study and also what not to study. Since you know in Income tax every chapter is important. But we have identified few topics in that chapters which are not important.
Let us now watch the video.
One strategy is to study each and every provision. And that is good also. But you need extra hours which you do not have.
Another strategy is to study what is most important in exam with extra attention and also study what is not important in exam just for the sake of this.
In this video we will tell you what to study and also what not to study. Since you know in Income tax every chapter is important. But we have identified few topics in that chapters which are not important.
Let us now watch the video.