7. Supply of goods from a place in the non-taxable territory to another place in the non-taxable territory without such goods entering into the taxable territory.
8(a) Supply of warehoused goods to any person before clearance for home consumption.
(b) Supply of goods by the consignee to any other person, by endorsement of documents of title to the goods, after the goods have been dispatched from the port of origin located outside India but before clearance for home consumption.
Explanation.- For the purposes of this clause, the expression “warehoused goods” shall have the meaning as assigned to it in the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962)
Hello to all Send me your email I'd and name to my what's app no 9999227381 for enrollment of GST live classes. Starting 20-1-2020 7.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. Monday to Friday. Five classes free. Classes will be conducted by CS Kaushal Kumar Agrawal, GST trainer, consultant and author. ICAI and ICSI faculty. Payment Thanks CS Kaushal Kumar Agrawal GST Trainer, Consultant and Author