Suggestions/feedback on evaluation of ICAI examination answer books system


15th September, 2018

Sub: Suggestions/feedback on evaluation of examination answer books system.

The Group formed to review the evaluation of examination answer book system invites Suggestion/ Feedback of the CA students on the evaluation of examination answer books system through the following link:- 

May kindly send your feedback latest by 16th September, 2018.


1. Should re-evaluation (Since Re-verification is currently allowed, it seems that what is intended is re-evaluation) be allowed from November 2018 examinations onward 
– Yes
– No

2. How should examiners be selected ? 
– On the basis of years of experience in the respective field
– On the basis of years of experience in the respective field and personal interview

3. What should be the structure of question paper? 
– Wholly Objective

4. Which among the following will improve the evaluation system? 
– Dual valuation of every answer book

5. Do you think that centralized Evaluation will help in eliminating such few instances of incorrect evaluation? 

6. Do you think that increasing the number of examiners and improving the standards of their training and monitoring will alone help in eliminating the instances of incorrect evaluation ? 

7. Do you think that the low pass percentage of CA Examinations is solely on account of incorrect evaluation of answer sheets? 

8. Do you think there is any correlation between pass percentage and CA examinations and evaluation system 

9. Do you think that introducing MCQs will help in reducing the instances of incorrect evaluation? 
– Yes